The pill testing is a important process for apparel manufactures as it have a positive impact on the quality of their product. I.C.I pilling box is one of the technique manufacture used to text the pilling on the surface of their garments. for more detail on I.C.I pilling box and complete the questions in the worksheet.
Specimens of fabric, mounted on polyurethane tubes, are tumbled in a rotating cork-lined cubical box for a standard time. The degree of pilling of the specimens is assessed by visual comparison using either a set of photographic standards or against a written rating scale the assessment is made using a standard viewing cabinet under standard lighting conditions.
Martindale Abrasion & Pilling Tester
Martindale Abrasion & Pilling Tester, to determine the abrasion and pilling resistance of all kinds of textile structures. Samples are rubbed against known abrasives at low pressures and in continuously changing directions. The amount of abrasion or pilling is compared against standard parameters.
This machine allows removal of individual sample holder for examination without lifting the top motion plate. It provides individual counters and parking function, interval time settable and a large touch-screen display. Standard sample holders and 9 and 12kpa Weights are included.
This equipment is available with 4, 6, 8, 9 test positions.