Pilling Definition (fill in the blank)
- The pilling of textile materials fabrics refers to an caused by bunches or balls of held to the surface. This appearance can seriously compromise the fabrics acceptability for apparel.
- are developed on a in four main stages: fuzz formation, entanglement, growth, and wear-off
tangled fibres appearance pills unpleasant fabric surface

Based on the table above arrange these image in order from severe pilling to no pilling

Activity worksheet
Flow diagram of 2D imaging methods based on thresholding

The 2D imaging method is to perform pill detection using image segmentation, the process of partitioning the original image into multiple segments including fabric background and pills. Aimed at determining parameters such as the number and the density of pills and/or the area occupied by the pills on the fabric surface.
Flow diagram of 2D imaging methods based on Fourier Analysis and Wavelet

An image has been taken from a fabric surface and used a Fourier mask to filter the knitted stitch background from the fuzz and pill.
Fourier mask has been used to filter the knitted stitch background from the fuzz and pill. A pilling measurement cabinet was specifically designed and developed
Captured images were analyzed using appositely developed software based on thresholding and various pilling parameters such as the total number of pills, the total area of the pills, mean area and number of pills per unit area are measured