This resource was produced by an undergraduate Biomedical Science student from Deakin University in collaboration with Associate Professor Stuart Palmer and other scientists and education academics. Dr Palmer is the Associate Professor in the School of Engineering at Deakin University and has a significant background in engineering and the analysis techniques. He has developed over the year which enabled him to focus part of his research in objectively measuring the surface quality of textile products.

Contemporary fabric: the importance of quantifying pilling on textiles surface. REMSTEP project resource has been developed with a purpose to deliver knowledge of the science behind the textile surface quality finishes of fabrics in an interesting and engaging manner toward students.

Associate Prof. Stuart Palmer
Stuart Palmer is a member of Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment at Deakin. His research focuses on the textile surface finish of products like wool and cotton.
He specialises in computer image analysis of textile surface finish and collaborates with scientists and industries to objectively measure the quality of textile products; for example, quantifying pilling on products such as wool. Stuart’s research directly impacts textile companies as they are interested in the aesthetics and value of their products. His work is a nice example of the application of mathematical modelling to an engineering/technology problem.

Dr. Peta White
Dr. Peta White is a passionate environmental science educator at Deakin University with an extraordinary career. She has worked in numerous roles within the education sector from secondary teacher, to curriculum consultant, to tertiary educator. She has been a member and activist for various organizations around the world as a part of contributions to the community. Her research is diverse, incorporating many components of science education, pedagogy, and assessment. Dr. White is responsible for the ReMSTEP contemporary science project at Deakin University as part of a Science Community Project. Her dedication to the progress and development of this site has been invaluable.

Prof. Russell Tytler
Alfred Deakin Professor Russell Tytler is an educationalist focusing on science education. He was awarded a PhD in science education from Monash University in 1995. He is the Chair in Science Education at Deakin University, Coordinator of the “Re-imagining futures in Science, Technology, Environmental and Mathematics (STEME) research group and Deputy Director of the Centre for Research in Educational Futures and Innovation at Deakin University.

Mrs. Maria Vamvakas
Maria Vamvakas is a member of the Faculty of Art and Education at Deakin University. She has a large contribution on developing the resources and contents in this website.

Daniel San Sau
Daniel San Sau is an undergraduate Biomedical Science student at Deakin University. He created this website and its resources for Community science project as a part of his placement in his degree over one trimester.